Teri Sue’s Thoughts

Archive for January 5th, 2009

An acrostic poem for my husband on his 34th birthday:

Kissable.  Crooked lip and all – my favorite lips to kiss!

Eyes.  When we were set up on our blind date, the first thing I noticed about him was his eyes.  Now I see them looking back at me in our children.  If the eyes truly are the window to your soul, Kemp’s soul is beautiful!

Muscles.  His look good. Especially his arms.  ‘Nuff said.  😉

Partner.   That’s what we are.  In parenting, in marriage, in life.  We’re a team and we work on everything together.  Sometimes, he’s better at it than me.

MusicalHis ability is a gift.  I love getting supper ready as I listen to him strum his guitar and sing.  When Whit gets his drums and Sophie grabs her harmonica- you should hear the sounds coming from this house!  Whether he’s playing Edwin McCain or The Itsy Bitsy Spider – it’s one of my favorite sounds to hear!

Intelligent.  And not just because I couldn’t think of anything for the letter “I”!  His intelligence amazes me sometimes.  He knows some of the most random facts, is up to date on the political circuit and can teach me something on just about any subject.  Guess that’s what the History channel can do for you. 

Listener.  Sometimes he’s so good at it, it scares me.  Other times he tunes me out like a bad radio station.  But…if I really need him there to listen to me…he listens, he hears and he helps.

LoyalYou won’t find anyone more loyal than Kemp.  As a husband, father, son, brother, employee  or friend – he’s got your back.  If you’ve got him on your side, you’ve got a friend and a confidant forever. 

Encourager.   If I ever need a pick me up – he’s the one I call on.  He is my biggest cheerleader in every arena.

Respectful.  Even if I (or someone else) deserve a tongue lashing, he will refrain until the time is right.  He respects those in authority, even if they don’t earn it.  He respects me as a wife, mom and woman.  He respects his parents AND mine!

I hope I have painted a beautiful picture of my husband, because he truly is!  Happy Birthday Kemper.  Hope it’s the best one yet!

I’m not a huge fan of resolutions, but I do like to reflect on the past year and think of things that I would like to do differently for the upcoming year.    For some, I have  to act as though I’m REALLY excited aboutthem so as to convince myself that I AM really excited about  them (i.e. #3).  In no particular order, here is my “to do” list for 2009:

1.  Call my insurance company about the crack that keeps inching its way across my windshield.   I hear that insurance covers the cost completely.  That should make this one an easy one to scratch off my list.  OK – so that’s not really an accomplishment, but I really need to do it!

2.  Break my addiction to sweet tea.  Sweet tea + diabetic = not a smart choice.  I should know better.  Bad Teri.

3. Eat more vegetables.  I’m a terrible vegetable eater.  (This started out as eat more freshvegetables, but I decided to take baby steps.)  Broccoli, carrots, green beans…here I come!  Woo Hoo!  (Did I sound excited enough?!?)

4.  Become intentional and honest in my relationship with God.  I have given myself specific challenges in order to hold myself accountable.  If I feel far from God is because He’s not around or because I’m not opening my Bible and soaking up His Word?  If I’m not hearing from Him, is it because He’s not listening or because I’m not listening?  It’s so easy for me to sit back and blame my surroundings for why I may not feel close to Him, but the bottom line is – if I’m reading the Word on a regular basis – you can’t get much closer to Him than that!  Therefore, I have challenged myself to read one book of the Bible every ten days for 2009.  That is about 36 books, which is about half of the Bible.  I could challenge myself to read the whole Bible, but I want to do more than read it.  I want to learn it.  I want to soak it up.  I want to ask questions of those around me that can help me understand. (Get ready friends!)  Some books may be easy to read in ten days…others maybe not.  But it’s a start.  And I’m excited about it.  (This is one that I really am excited about…not the fake kind of excitement referred to above!)

5.  Go camping.  Sometime, somewhere – I really want to do it with the kids.  Kemp and I used to camp before kids and I think I’m ready to try it with them.

6.  Fold my laundry immediately.  I’m great to keep my clothes washed.  Terrible when it comes to folding them.  As bad as it is to admit this, sometimes they will sit in my laundry basket waiting to be folded for twenty. four. hours.

7.  At least once a day every other day, I want to tell Whit and Sophie “yes” when I really want to say “no”.  Like…to Chutes and Ladders…not to five brownies at supper.  Sometimes I feel like I’m so “busy” with life that I forget to live life with them.  So when Whit asks me to play Slap Jack with him and I really want to fold my newly dried clothes…I will tell him yes.  And when Sophie wants me to play grocery store with her for the umpteenth time  and I really want to start cooking dinner…I will tell her yes.

Completely realistic, attainable goals!  On my mark.  Get set.  Go!

January 2009