Teri Sue’s Thoughts

Archive for March 2008

Not me.  I have entered four lotteries in the past month and I lost them all.

Am I on a pity pot?  Maybe.  Am I frustrated?  Yes.  Do I feel like I’ve let my child down, even if I haven’t?  Yes.   Do I feel completely defeated?  Yes, in this moment I do.  For those that can’t handle a little sap and sorrow – quit reading now.  For those that dare to continue – consider yourselves warned.

Whit starts kindergarten in the fall.  Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) has home schools – meaning that you are assigned a school based on where you live.  We are not thrilled with our home school assignment – so much so that we will not send Whit to that school.  (For reasons that are not necessary to broadcast on a public forum, but for reasons that we, as his parents, have decided that it is not in his best interest to attend that school.)  We attended the magnet school fair.  We chose three magnet schools as our choice schools to put him in for the lottery drawing.  We found out the first week in March that we did not get ANY of our choices.  (Only to find out the next day in the Charlotte Observer that 52% of parents got their first choice.  How is it that 52% got their first choice, but we did not get our second choice OR our third choice?)   I have always loved Queens Grant Charter School.  Great school.  Great beliefs.  Great principal and staff.  Great parental involvement.  I entered Whit into their lottery drawing the day they opened enrollment for the 2008 school year, which was back in September.  I patiently waited months for the lottery drawing, which brings us to today.  Almost 300 children wanting less than 60 kindergarten spots.  Whit is number 107 on the waiting list.  Needless to say, we did not get in, nor did we get a desirable number on the waiting list.  We had four school options, none of which panned out.

Now, ask me where Whit will go to school for Kindergarten?  I have no clue.  I am a planner.  I am a list maker.  I am detailed and I am organized.  I try to look at things from every imaginable angle, so that I can be prepared for the weirdest of circumstances.  I am approaching what could possibly be the biggest part of my son’s life so far, and I have no plan.

I, therefore, feel defeated.  Even though Whit doesn’t have a clue as to what is going on, I feel like I have let him down.  I wish that we would have moved when we first started worrying about his home school, back when he was two.  I wish there were student loans or scholarships for kindergarten.  (Did I really just say that?!?)

I am reminding myself of the words my best friend spoke to me – “God will work it out.”   I know she’s right.  He knows if our house will sell, so that we can move to a better school district.  He knows if I should home school.  He will work it out.   He has a plan for Whit that will be revealed.  I  know He will show up – it’s up to me to find a way to depend on that.

Jeremiah 29:11 says:

For I know the plans I have for you“, says the Lord.  “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”

I believe that.  I really believe it.  So, tonight, I’m going to fall asleep repeating this verse over and over.  Knowing that my God…Whit’s God, knows the plan and He will reveal it to us when the time is right.

In honor of Palm Sunday, our small group leaders decided to shake things up a bit at our small group tonight.  They decided we would all watch a movie together.  Not just any movie.  The Passion of the Christ.  Very good move on their part.  Although a very, very hard movie for me to watch – a very vivid reminder of how thankful I need to be.  (Shout out to Chris and Erica!)

While we’re at small group, my in-laws keep Whit and Sophie at their house.  It was a very clear night tonight, so the stars were shining bright when we got there to pick them up.  As we’re leaving their house, I hear Whit say “Star light, star bright, wish I may, wish I might, have this wish, I wish tonight.”  (Are you ready for his wish?)  “I wish that I can be Mama and Daddy’s son forever and ever.”  Out of all the wishes a four year old can wish for, this was his wish tonight.

Having just watched Mary grieve the horrific death of her Son, it was all I could do to hold it together.  Thankful that he’s still little enough to carry, I simply picked Whit up and carried him the rest of the way to the car. Holding on as tight as I could.

There are tornadoes all around us.  Do you know what that does to me?  I am terrified of them.  Don’t know why.  I don’t have any weird aversion to the Wizard of Oz.  I did not even think about watching the movie Twister.  I’ve never been in a tornado.  Never even seen a real live twister.  But I am scared to death of them. 

In my head I’m contemplating the correlation between tornadoes and the devil.  How the twisting, twirling funnel cloud can come through like a freight train and wreak havoc before you even know it’s around – kind of like satan.  I could probably write a really great post analyzing their likenesses. (Other than the fact that I think tornadoes are literally sent straight from the pit of Hell.)  But I can’t concentrate.  There are tornadoes around, people. 

Say a little really big prayer – I’m wearing a path in my carpet.

…post a recipe!  I’ve got blogger’s block.   Because of the block, I’m going to treat you to a great recipe.  It’s an unbelievable strawberry cake that is very simple and you probably have all the ingredients in your pantry!  It quickly became a hit in my extended family and now it is requested at birthdays and gatherings all the time.  Here it is:


1 package white cake mix

1 (3 ounce) pkg strawberry flavored gelatin mix

1 cup mashed strawberries

1 cup vegetable oil

4 eggs

1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk

1/2 cup flaked coconut

1/2 cup finely chopped walnuts

1)  Preheat oven to 350.  Grease and flour 9×13 pan.

2)  Combine cake mix and gelatin mix in large bowl.  Make a well in the center of the mix and pour in mashed strawberries, oil, eggs and sweetened condensed milk.  Beat on low speed until blended.  Scrape edges then beat on medium speed for 4 minutes.  Stir in coconut and nuts.  Pour into pan and allow to bake for 40 to 45 minutes – or toothpick test.


4 cups confectioner’s sugar

1/2 cup melted margarine/butter

1/4 cup mashed strawberries

1/4 cup flaked coconut

Combine all ingredients, beat until smooth and spread over cooled cake.


I have used regular and sugar free gelatin – no noticeable taste difference.

I am not a huge fan of coconut and walnuts in cakes.  When making the cake for my house, I have omitted both of them (in cake and frosting) and it still tastes great.

I have used frozen and fresh strawberries – no noticeable taste difference.

Lastly, you can substitute the fruit for any other fruit of your choice, simply match the gelatin flavor and your fruit.  I have tried it with cherries and it is out of this world too!  If you try it, let me know what you think!  Enjoy! 

If I had to guess, I’d say it’s about 104 degrees.  Maybe higher.  I’m not chilling.  I’m not vomiting.  I don’t have a sore throat.  I have a fever.  Baby Fever.

I am one of those women that loves, LOVES, LOVES to be pregnant.  I didn’t have picture perfect pregnancies.  I was nauseated all day with both of them – never could vomit which I think would have made it better.  Lots of trips to the doctor… had to see my diabetic doctor every two weeks for the entire pregnancy. My OBGYN once a month for the first trimester, twice a month for the second trimester and every week for the last trimester.  Blood pressure issues.  In and out of the hospital for the last trimester of my pregnancy with Whit.  Those closest to me will tell you that I suffered through some depression after both births.  Feeding issues with both of them. 

I still LOVED being pregnant.  Wanting to throw up every day cannot compare to the first time you hold your baby.  Sleepless nights are forgotten the first time that sweet baby smiles at you.  A little depression is a thing of the past the moment he wraps his little fingers around your finger.  Plus, I have some of the best memories of being up at 2:00 in the morning with Kemp watching Most Extreme Elimination Challenge. 

For a lot of different reasons, we’re done.  We’re completely blessed with two beautiful, healthy children that take my breath away on a daily basis. Although I would love to be pregnant again, Whit and Sophie fill my heart and soul. 

But…for all you preggo women out there that happen to notice me sitting really close….lingering a little longer than usual….I’m not stalking you.  Or, maybe I am.  😉

Last week, I went without Internet, cable and phone service for almost 48 hours.  During that time, I realized how dependent I am on those services.  Mostly the Internet because I have a cell phone and once we unhooked the cable line, I could at least watch ABC, NBC, PBS and FOX.  As I sat by candlelight with my feather pen, I noted other things that I am dependent on.  This is what I came up with:

Internet.  Simple things like on-line banking and checking the news and weather –  I didn’t realize that I depended so much on the Internet for these things.

Crystal Light individual packets.  Mix, shake and go.  I swore I would never fall victim to this lazy marketing ploy – but here I am.

Squeeze jelly. Don’t know why.  Just super glad I no longer have to decide whether to use a spoon or a knife to scoop the jelly out of the jar. 

Magic Eraser.  Love it.  Cleans almost anything.  I love it so much I even gave it it’s own post.

Tilex Mold and Mildew Remover.  Removes the brown gunk in your shower with no scrubbing!  I believe in this stuff so much, I would almost offer you a money back guarantee.  It’s that good!  It will asphyxiate you though, so don’t hang out in there too long after use!  (Don’t pretend like you’ve never had the brown gunk in your shower.  They wouldn’t make the stuff if no one else had it!)

Ponytail holders.  Hairbows.  Clips.  Barrettes.  Whatever you want to call them.  Sometimes I swing into full panic mode if I don’t have one nearby.  There are times when the mess on top of my head has to be pulled off of my face.

I guess if I’m going to be dependent on something – those are pretty safe choices!

Another week has flown by.  It’s going to be Christmas before I know it.  Highlights for the Miller family:

*** Definite highlight for the week was the Murder Mystery Dinner we attended last night.  Our entire small group was invited to a Mocktail party set back in the 1940s in Charleston.  Dress up.  Role play.  Fake cigarettes.  Scary hairpieces for men.  Southern drawls. (Or was that from London?) A pickpocket monkey.  A couple of dead people.  No children.  Unbelievably good time.  We honestly didn’t realize how much fun we had until we couldn’t stop talking about it all the way home!  Awesome pictures and more details will follow!  Once again – another reason why I am a part of the most fascinating small group.

*** Whit finally got his hair cut this weekend.  I think everyone that has seen him over the past couple of weeks will breathe a sigh of relief when they see some of that weight off his head!  My boy has a head of hair! 

***Whit’s preschool class “adopted” a soldier in Iraq to send him things throughout the year.  They didn’t know it, but he came home last week and surprised them in their class on Friday.  Whit was so excited!  When we said his prayers that night he said “God, thank you for this day.  Thank you for my preschool.  Thank you for bringing David to my class today.  I bet his mama and daddy were as excited to see him as me.  Amen.”  I could probably write about his prayers every day.  They are so precious to me!

*** Sophie is still all about princesses.  Loves the sparkles.  Loves the tiaras.  She is all girl.  She has really gotten into singing too.  She’ll find anything and turn it into a microphone.  Apparently, she put on a concert for some of the girls in her Safari room at church. 

***We had an issue with childcare tonight for small group – so all of our kids were with us at Kirsten’s house.  Sophie prayed with everyone and she closed out our group prayer for the evening.  Thing is….she starts her prayers by singing “God Bless America”, then goes into some Russian chant and closes with a big “Ahhhmahen”.  It’s really cute, but none of us know what she’s saying!  That’s ok – God does!  🙂

***I am so in love with my children. 

***I’m also in love with this weather.  I could handle this kind of weather 7 or 8 months out of the year!

Here’s wishing all of you a happy week!