Teri Sue’s Thoughts

Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Not as in Barack Obama’s campaign.  Not as in the stuff you get back after you’ve paid for something.  Not as in your clothes.

But…as in….my blog!

I’ve changed my appearance in honor of Christmas.  I’m also gonna change my content.  What, you might ask does that mean?  Well….let me share.

I haven’t posted a blog in a long time.  I was in the black hole of blogging.  I used to love to think about blog entries.  Little things that would happen around the house…cute things Whit or Sophie would say…unbelievable things that were happening in my life….awesome things I was experiencing at church.  My mind was full of ideas that would make a great blog entry.  Then…I started questioning myself.  Was this interesting to the blog world?  Did people find this motivational?  Inspiring?  Funny?  What kind of blog should I have?  I started putting pressure on myself to come up with GREAT blogs.  So,  I stopped blogging. 

Last week, I went back and read most of my blogs that I wrote over the past year and realized that blogging is quite like a journal.  While reading some of my posts, I was taken back to some of the greatest times I’ve experienced in the past year!  Like getting baptized!  And going to the beach!  I also got to read what my thoughts were as my grandmother was losing her battle with cancer.   Without this little bloggy blog, I wouldn’t have those things to look back on!

I realized that I enjoy blogging.  And I miss it.  But I have to enjoy it for me!  I realized that I don’t have to have a blog that is only about my relationship with Christ.  Or my wonderful children.  Or my great church.  Or my handsome hubby.  It can encompass them all!  So, I’m back! 

I definitely won’t win the cutest title award.  And I probably won’t write as eloquently as this.  But, by golly, I’m gonna write and I’m gonna have fun doing it!

By the way, as I was changing my design and finagling my way around this wordpress place – I found some stats about my blog.  Do you know that my most read entry was this one?  Go figure! (I still stand by it, though!)

Just thought I’d share some of my favorite quotes from some of my favorite people:

“Mama, you don’t seem to know much, but I like what you do know”  -Whitman Miller,  August 13, 2008  (In my defense, he was asking questions about Spiderman and the Green Goblin – and I really don’t know who is the fastest!)

“Mama, why couldn’t Nanny just pick out two pairs of pajamas and stay in heaven for two nights?”         -Whitman Miller, August 1, 2008

Thanks to my papa, we’re big storytellers in our house.  So, after hearing this:  “Once upon a time, there was a princess named Sophie…” for so long,  Sophie began to tell her stories like this, “Onetuponatime, der a pincess name me.”  -Sophie Miller, August, 2008 

And my favorite, from many years ago.  One of my dear friends who, admittedly, is not the brightest bulb in the box got her first job at a locally owned family restaurant.  When asked to make some tea, she responded with: “Where are the sweet tea bags?” Hmmmmm?!?!   -???????, 1996

Several months ago, I was tagged by Bradelyn, Lindsey and Dawn.  I haven’t blogged in a while, so I thought a good way to come back would be to share seven random things about myself.  Here they are: 

1)  I love to get the mail.  Sometimes I will catch myself glancing out the window around 1:00 when our postal carrier usually comes.   Last week, she was very late.  As I was mourning the fact that I didn’t get any mail that day, my frown was turned upside down when I saw her little self headed towards my mailbox! 

2)  I love the sound of trash being sucked up in my vacuum cleaner.  I know that you know the sound and don’t deny it, you like it too.  It really makes me feel like I’m doing some deep carpet cleaning when I hear something bouncing off the walls of the vacuum cleaner hose.

3)  In addition to the sound of the things being sucked up…sometimes…I…well…(am I really putting this out there for people to see)…well…sometimes….if there is a piece of trash on the floor while I’m vacuuming, I will run over it twelve times until it gets sucked up.  I could have already picked it up and moved on to the next room by the time the vacuum finally sucks it up, but nope –  I run over it again.  And again.  And again.  And worse than that?  After vacuuming over it twelve times and pushing the little piece of trash halfway across the room – if it hasn’t been sucked up, I finally bend over and pick it up.  Then what do I do?  I throw it down and start over again.  Instead of taking it to the trash can, I am bound and determined to get that thing sucked up my vacuum cleaner hose.   I’m laughing at myself as I type this because it’s so pathetic.  We’ve all done it, right?  Right?

4)  Sometimes when I’m going through a drive thru, I will randomly pay for the person behind me in line.  Feels good doing things anonymously. 

5)  I’ve never eaten at a Waffle House.  Apparently, I’m in the minority.  (Have you?)

6)  I have a slight obsession with the Dave Matthews Band.  Love them.  Love the music.    I’ve been to a ton of their shows, although I’m wondering if I’m getting a little too old to keep doing that.

7)  I can’t stand stepping in something wet with socks on.  Yep – I would rather step in it barefooted.  Don’t know why.  Doesn’t matter if I know what the substance is or not.  It just plain grosses me out to step in something wet with socks on. 

There you have it.  Seven incredibly random things about me.  I realize that they could quite possibly scare some people away.  Oh well.  At least I’m honest, right?   Mail loving, vacuuming, dry sock kind of girl.  That’s me.  Get behind me in line one day at Chick-fil-a, then maybe I’ll redeem myself!  🙂

Where have I been?  I don’t even know if I know the answer to that!  We’ll chalk it up to some busy times, blog blahs and getting a house ready to put up for sale.  That’s our first step in trying to get in a decent school district.  (See previous post.)  I don’t want to leave any stone unturned in our D.E.W. Process.  That would be our Decent Education for Whit Process.  (I crack myself up!)  So we have been busy cleaning, painting, throwing away and boxing up.  It won’t be long before the sign goes up – and we’ll see what happens from there.  Also, I mentioned in my previous post that I wish kindergarten had scholarships and/or financial aid….as a joke….well…turns out that some private schools do offer assistance – so that’s another stone we’re going to look under.  If those don’t pan out – I’ll be on the phone with Gina, Marybeth, Paige and Erica – ALOT!!  Wish us luck!

Speaking of Paige – whom I just love with all of me – she is about to become an aunt –  twice in the same day!  Isn’t that the most exciting thing?!?  Her sister in law, Lindsay, is something like 54 weeks pregnant with twin boys!  (Really only 38 weeks, but with twins it has to feel like 54, right Lindsay?!?)  Because Paige and I are third cousins, twice removed, by marriage and upside down – I have to be related to these babies somehow, right?!?  Either way, I can’t wait to meet them!  Say a prayer for mom and babies, as they’re being induced Tuesday morning!

In Whit news….for those of you that have been any where near my son in the past 72 hours, you know why this post is titled what it is.    Friday afternoon, Whit comes up to me and without any preparation of what is to come, says to me “Mama, what’s under there?”  Of course my response (as is everyone else’s) is “Under where?”  And he says to me…..drum roll please….”HA HA, YOU JUST SAID UNDERWEAR!!!  HA HA!!”  I laughed so hard I almost cried!  Not because it was that funny, but because my almost five year old told a joke, told it right and didn’t preface it by saying that he was getting ready to tell me a joke!  Now that I’ve heard it over 200 times, it’s getting a little old – but seeing other people’s faces when he gets them is not getting old!  Like I said, if you’ve seen him since Friday – chances are, you’ve heard it.  If you’re going to see him in the next week or so you’ll probably hear it, please humor him me!

One last thing – if there are any Quest volunteers that read this blog – hopefully this will mean something to you.  One more way to show that what we do in Quest makes such a difference in our children’s lives.  Today’s special words were “I can pray to Jesus anywhere.”  When we got home today, I was working at the computer and Whit comes and taps my arm and says “Mama, lets pray to Jesus.”  Of course, I stop everything and say “Ok, bud.  Let’s do it.”  Whit: “Dear Jesus, thank you for this day.  Thank you for my preschool.  Thank you for the sunshine and thank you for Sophie.  Amen.”  I give him a big hug and ask him why he wanted to pray at that moment.  He says “Mama, you can pray to Jesus anywhere and I just wanted to make sure you knew that you can even pray to him at the computer.”  How true, son.  Thanks for the reminder!

There are tornadoes all around us.  Do you know what that does to me?  I am terrified of them.  Don’t know why.  I don’t have any weird aversion to the Wizard of Oz.  I did not even think about watching the movie Twister.  I’ve never been in a tornado.  Never even seen a real live twister.  But I am scared to death of them. 

In my head I’m contemplating the correlation between tornadoes and the devil.  How the twisting, twirling funnel cloud can come through like a freight train and wreak havoc before you even know it’s around – kind of like satan.  I could probably write a really great post analyzing their likenesses. (Other than the fact that I think tornadoes are literally sent straight from the pit of Hell.)  But I can’t concentrate.  There are tornadoes around, people. 

Say a little really big prayer – I’m wearing a path in my carpet.

Another week has flown by.  It’s going to be Christmas before I know it.  Highlights for the Miller family:

*** Definite highlight for the week was the Murder Mystery Dinner we attended last night.  Our entire small group was invited to a Mocktail party set back in the 1940s in Charleston.  Dress up.  Role play.  Fake cigarettes.  Scary hairpieces for men.  Southern drawls. (Or was that from London?) A pickpocket monkey.  A couple of dead people.  No children.  Unbelievably good time.  We honestly didn’t realize how much fun we had until we couldn’t stop talking about it all the way home!  Awesome pictures and more details will follow!  Once again – another reason why I am a part of the most fascinating small group.

*** Whit finally got his hair cut this weekend.  I think everyone that has seen him over the past couple of weeks will breathe a sigh of relief when they see some of that weight off his head!  My boy has a head of hair! 

***Whit’s preschool class “adopted” a soldier in Iraq to send him things throughout the year.  They didn’t know it, but he came home last week and surprised them in their class on Friday.  Whit was so excited!  When we said his prayers that night he said “God, thank you for this day.  Thank you for my preschool.  Thank you for bringing David to my class today.  I bet his mama and daddy were as excited to see him as me.  Amen.”  I could probably write about his prayers every day.  They are so precious to me!

*** Sophie is still all about princesses.  Loves the sparkles.  Loves the tiaras.  She is all girl.  She has really gotten into singing too.  She’ll find anything and turn it into a microphone.  Apparently, she put on a concert for some of the girls in her Safari room at church. 

***We had an issue with childcare tonight for small group – so all of our kids were with us at Kirsten’s house.  Sophie prayed with everyone and she closed out our group prayer for the evening.  Thing is….she starts her prayers by singing “God Bless America”, then goes into some Russian chant and closes with a big “Ahhhmahen”.  It’s really cute, but none of us know what she’s saying!  That’s ok – God does!  🙂

***I am so in love with my children. 

***I’m also in love with this weather.  I could handle this kind of weather 7 or 8 months out of the year!

Here’s wishing all of you a happy week!  

Is everyone sick?  With one form of something or another, I think everyone is sick.   I couldn’t not post this in case it might help someone else.  I have a cold.  I don’t dare call it anything other than a cold, because I know too many people that are laid up in the bed with fever, vomiting and body aches. Luckily, I’m not that bad off.  I have a stuffy nose and an incredibly annoying cough.  My stomach muscles hurt and my head is aching from coughing so violently over the past week.  I haven’t slept well at night because I wake up with raging fits of coughing.  I fear that I will wake the whole house up, so I go to the den for a restless night in the recliner. 

WELL…have I got some info for all you coughers out there!  (Flu bug peeps – I got nothing for you – ‘cept lots of prayers!) 

My cousin Paige called to check on me yesterday, because she knew I had been battling this cough.  She starts to tell me something, but prefaces it with all these “I don’t know if this will work”, “I’m not crazy” and “I’ve heard it’s an old wives tale”.  She’s totally setting me up for something that she’s not sure she believes in.  She doesn’t know it, but I’m listening intently because, old wives tale or not – I’ll try almost anything if it means it will help me sleep.  She says “Do you have any Vicks VapoRub?”  I tell her that VapoRub is a staple in our house.  (When Whit coughs his first question is “Mama, can I have some chest rub?”) She then says, hesitantly, “Well…..you know…..I don’t know if this will work or not….you know……it’s just an old wives tale…..but…..I’ve heard…..that if you rub VapoRub on your feet, cover them with socks and go to bed, that it will help you sleep.”  VapoRub on your feet?  Huh?  Well….like I said, I would try anything…and this was pretty easy.  So…I did it.  And…..


It wasn’t sleep like a baby kind of sleep, but I coughed much, much less throughout the night and stayed in bed all night long.  Ahhhhhh……

Does VapoRub = Foot Rub = Good Night’s Sleep?  Or is it a fluke?


I dunno.  I think I’ll let Paige and Vick’s take the credit for my good night’s sleep. If you’re coughing your head off – try it – might work for you too.  For now…I’m off to find get the chest foot rub so I can sleep again tonight!

 Get well soon everybody! 

What is blegging?  It’s a word I made up.  It is a blog beg.  Begging in a blog.  A blogging beg, if you will.  Here’s my story.

I have had Type I Diabetes for almost 20 years.  I was diagnosed in my early teens and was immediately put on insulin injections.  More concerned with pimples and boys – I didn’t focus on my diabetes.  Thank God that my mom did, or who knows where I would be today.

A few years ago when I went to visit my eye doctor, (annual visits required, because – did you know that diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in the US?!?) he asked how long I had been diabetic.  I told him seventeen years.  He said something that stuck with me at that time and to this day.  He said “You should be proud, because there are a lot of diabetics that have had the disease shorter than you and are already experiencing retinopathy.” (A disease in the retina most common in diabetics because of poor circulation.) I was floored when I realized that I had been a diabetic for half of my life.

This is a rough account, but here are my totals:

16,425 insulin injections

26,900 finger pricks to check blood sugars

600 insulin pump injection site changes (after getting the pump in 2002)

132 trips to my endocrinologist – for the sole purpose of a diabetic checkup

18 trips to the ophthalmologist

1000s upon 1000s of dollars in medical equipment

8 seizures caused by low blood sugars 

6 ambulance trips to the emergency room

I have always had good control of my diabetes.  You will rarely hear me complain about my disease.  It’s mine and I deal with it.  I’ve often said, if it was going to be me or my brother that is diabetic, I’m glad it was me.  (It used to be said that diabetes skips generations.  My grandfather has it, so my brother and I used to ‘bet’ about who would get it.)

All that buildup for this:

Every year, I participate in the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Walk for the Cure.  JDRF was founded by parents of children with diabetes and it is the leading funder of research for Type I diabetes.  My team alone, over the past several years, has raised over $100,000!!

The stats listed above are not a pity party.  They are a reality for me, but more importantly, the are a reality for thousands of children.  Would I like to see myself come off of the insulin pump?  Absolutely.  Is that my biggest concern?  Far from it.  What I want to see is less of this. Or this.  This is the one you really need to click on.  Hundreds of kids from 18 months to 18 years that need daily insulin injections to stay alive.    Insulin is not a cure for diabetes it is required for survival.

So – here’s my bleg.  Will you support me this year on my walk?  Please visit this website  which will direct you to an easy online donation form.  My personal goal is $2500, which I hope to surpass.  You can keep watching my “thermometer” to see how close I come – hopefully I’ll bust right through it!   All donations are tax deductible.

Wanna do more than donate?   Come walk with me!  The walk this year is on April 19 at 9:00am.  It’s at Carowinds and it promises to be a fun time!  It is a family event, obviously, because it benefits children!  Free bagels from Panera for breakfast and free hamburgers from Wendy’s for lunch!  If you’re feeling extra adventurous – raise money with me!  If you raise $100 you get a free tshirt; $200 free pass to Carowinds for any 2008 operating day!  Loads of incentives – over and above the obvious one of helping the children!  Great way to get your kids involved in a charitable event that helps other children, too.

I truly could go on and on because this is a cause that is near and dear to me.  If you have any questions, please email me at kmiller59@carolina.rr.com.   I will probably re-post this a few times over the next few weeks in hopes of reaching as many people as possible.

Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!

When we get home from taking Whit to preschool, I try to spend one on one time with Sophie.  Whether it’s playing a game of her choice, reading books or practicing our ABC’s – I generally try to spend special time with her. 

I was extremely tired this morning.  Not just tired, but sleepy.  Heavy, burning eyes sleepy – you know the feeling.  Honestly, all I wanted to do this morning was close my eyes and go back to sleep. 

Guess what Sophie had in mind?  ALL she wanted to do was play night night.   She made me lay down, got me all sorts of “pee-ohs” and “bankies” and “bee bee daws” (pillows, blankets and baby dolls) to snuggle up with.  If I opened my eyes, she would tickle my face or stroke my hair until I would “go back night night”.  This lasted for about an hour! 

Did I get good “catch me up” sleep.  No.    

Was it relaxing?  You better believe it!  

Did Sophie have fun playing mommy to me?  Yep.  

Could I have been more productive in that hour?  Absolutely.    

Do I feel guilty?  Not one bit.

I’d like to think that Sophie and I will have that special mother/daughter connection.  Maybe we did this morning.  Maybe she knew “mommy night night” was what I needed.  I was a lucky girl this morning!


in – ten – tion – al  adjective  1. done with intention or on purpose; intended  2.  of or pertaining to intention or purpose              

A word I’ve used most of my adult life.  Didn’t have much significance as a word – until recently.

I do things intentionally every day.  I intentionally put my socks on before my shoes.  With intention, I look both ways before pulling out into traffic.   My intentions are always good when trying out a new recipe that fails!  Most of my day is filled with things that are done intentionally. Recently, I realized some of the most important things in my life need to be done intentionally – but aren’t.

 Let me elaborate (you expected nothing different, I’m sure!).  A few weeks ago, I met and developed a new friendship with Erin.  I had heard some great things about her, but did not know her personally.  As we were learning about each other, I found out that she was from Florida. I asked what brought her to North Carolina.  She simply said, “Elevation.”  She went into further detail describing a very moving testimony about how she and her husband felt called to be here.  Leaving friends and family to come to North Carolina because they felt like the Lord wanted them here.  In awe of the story, I kept asking more questions.  It had to be difficult, right?   Being so close to your parents, how were you able to leave them?  How often do you see them now?  Did you ever regret it?  Were you scared? 

She said they never regretted coming here.  Never regretted being a part of Elevation.  She did, however, say that initially there were some hard times and that she had to learn to pray and live with intentionality.  

Well, dang.  She could have knocked me over with a feather.  That one little word, in that one little moment made me realize that praying is not something that you have to do. You don’t have to pray before you put on your shoes.  You don’t have to pray before turning into traffic.  You don’t have to pray before cooking dinner.  You have to be intentional with your prayers.   

I have found that, when I intentionally have a conversation with God – my stresses seem a little less.  When I pray with intention – not just lip service – a true, deep, meaningful prayer – I feel an inner peace.  If I intentionally set aside time to spend in the Word, with God, I feel like I am stronger in Him.

Further elaboration (sorry…I’m excited!).  I used to lay down and read the Bible right before I went to bed.  Sometimes understanding what I was reading – other times, simply reading words on a page.  Now, I soak up the Word.  I intentionally absorb the words.  If I have to re-read the same verse three times until I get it – then I re-read it four times!  When I intentionally spend that time in the Bible – I feel stronger in Him.

Another illustration…I used to pray to God whenever it was convenient for me – in the shower, driving the car, cooking, whatever.  I was always busy doing something else while I was praying.  Now, I intentionally set aside time just for Him.  For me… (emphasis on ME – this is not me saying that it’s not ok to pray while driving or cooking – I still do that, too)…for me, I need that separate time alone with God, so that my heart and my head and my whole body is devoted to Him.  I feel like I’m more able to deal with that pesky little satan, if I intentionally devote all of me to Him.

I have been a Christian for five months now.  I am constantly learning new things.  I hope one day, to be the person that people like me can learn from.  But I also hope that five months from now…five years from now – fifty years from now – I’m still learning, because when I learn something new – I’m growing stronger in Christ!

With one simple word, my entire prayer life changed.  It is now intentional time spent with God.  Thank you, Erin.


May 2024