Teri Sue’s Thoughts

Tilex, Crystal Light and Squeeze Jelly

Posted on: March 4, 2008

Last week, I went without Internet, cable and phone service for almost 48 hours.  During that time, I realized how dependent I am on those services.  Mostly the Internet because I have a cell phone and once we unhooked the cable line, I could at least watch ABC, NBC, PBS and FOX.  As I sat by candlelight with my feather pen, I noted other things that I am dependent on.  This is what I came up with:

Internet.  Simple things like on-line banking and checking the news and weather –  I didn’t realize that I depended so much on the Internet for these things.

Crystal Light individual packets.  Mix, shake and go.  I swore I would never fall victim to this lazy marketing ploy – but here I am.

Squeeze jelly. Don’t know why.  Just super glad I no longer have to decide whether to use a spoon or a knife to scoop the jelly out of the jar. 

Magic Eraser.  Love it.  Cleans almost anything.  I love it so much I even gave it it’s own post.

Tilex Mold and Mildew Remover.  Removes the brown gunk in your shower with no scrubbing!  I believe in this stuff so much, I would almost offer you a money back guarantee.  It’s that good!  It will asphyxiate you though, so don’t hang out in there too long after use!  (Don’t pretend like you’ve never had the brown gunk in your shower.  They wouldn’t make the stuff if no one else had it!)

Ponytail holders.  Hairbows.  Clips.  Barrettes.  Whatever you want to call them.  Sometimes I swing into full panic mode if I don’t have one nearby.  There are times when the mess on top of my head has to be pulled off of my face.

I guess if I’m going to be dependent on something – those are pretty safe choices!

2 Responses to "Tilex, Crystal Light and Squeeze Jelly"

Aside from the Crystal Light packets (never tried those!) everything else on the list is a must have for me too! I just fell in love with the Magic Eraser, even used it on my shower doors and it was great! And with the Tilex for the other mess, I have one clean shower!

I had to laugh on the Tilex, my shower drives me crazy! Now the fumes from the tilex hurts my nose but the shower looks GOOD!

Have a great day!

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